This is HMS!
At HMS, we believe that connecting matters, in everything from making devices, machines and systems talk, to engaging actively with our customers. Let’s connect!
HMS Networks was founded in 1988 in Halmstad, Sweden where you still find our head office. Today, millions of industrial devices all over the world use HMS products to get connected.
Since April 2024, Red Lion Controls is a member of the HMS Group.Our playing field is called Industrial ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Here, we help both makers and users of industrial equipment.
1200 people
Revenue 2023
267 M EUR
Distributors in
50+ countries
Operations in
20+ countries
At HMS, we believe that connecting matters, in everything from making devices, machines and systems talk, to engaging actively with our customers. Let’s connect!
HMS Corporate
Halmstad, Sweden
The head office for HMS's operations, with central functions like IT, accounting/finance, global sales and marketing.
The business units develop products and solutions.
Business unit Anybus
Halmstad, Sweden
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Center for development of Anybus products.
Business unit Ewon
Nivelles, Belgium
Buchen, Germany
Wetzlar, Germany
Center for development of Ewon products.
Business unit Intesis
Igualada (Barcelona), Spain
Center for development of Intesis products.
The market units bring the products to market.
Market unit continental Europe
Karlsruhe, Germany
Center for HMS in Central Europe. Manages local sales, support, marketing and some customer-related development.
Market unit Americas
Chicago, USA
Center for HMS in North and South America. Manages local sales, support and marketing.
Market unit APAC
Multiple locations
Manages local sales, support and marketing. Offices in Shin-Yokohama (Japan), Pune (India), Singapore, Melbourne (Australia), Seoul (South Korea) and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
Market unit Greater China
Beijing, China
Manages local sales, support and marketing and business related to mainland China, Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan.
Market unit Northern Europe and the rest of the world
Halmstad, Sweden
Manages local sales, support and marketing in northern Europe, UK, and other selected countries that do not belong to one of the other market units. Coordinated from Halmstad.