
Netbiter EC360 Europe
Netbiter EC360 Europe

Remote communication gateway exchanging data over Cellular 4G or Ethernet to the Netbiter Argos IIoT platform

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Common Ethernet (Pre-loaded)
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Common Ethernet (Pre-loaded)

Enable communication between industrial devices and Industrial Ethernet networks

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – PROFINET
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – PROFINET

Enable communication between industrial devices and PROFINET networks

Netbiter I/O extender 8 analog input voltage
Netbiter I/O extender 8 analog input voltage

I/O Extension Module with Modbus RTU Interface

Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - Modbus TCP Server
Anybus X-gateway – DeviceNet Scanner - Modbus TCP Server

A protocol converter that connects DeviceNet devices to Modbus TCP PLCs

Panasonic ECOi, PACi, ECOg / PAC, VRF systems to Home Automation Application
Panasonic ECOi, PACi, ECOg / PAC, VRF systems to Home Automation Application

Panasonic to Home Automation - Up to 16 Indoor Units

BACnet/IP & MS/TP Client to ASCII IP & ASCII Serial Server
BACnet/IP & MS/TP Client to ASCII IP & ASCII Serial Server

Replaced by: IN7004853K00000

Fujitsu VRF systems to Home Automation Application
Fujitsu VRF systems to Home Automation Application

Fujitsu to Home Automation - Up to 64 Indoor Units

i4scada - Cluster 250 Tags
i4scada - Cluster 250 Tags

Web-based SCADA & HMI software for process visualization

Anybus Cybersecurity Console - 5 assets
Anybus Cybersecurity Console - 5 assets

Central Plant-Floor Network Security Management

Hisense VRF systems to BACnet/IP & MS/TP
Hisense VRF systems to BACnet/IP & MS/TP

Replaced by: IN770AIR00MO000

Panasonic ECOi and PACi systems to Modbus RTU Interface
Panasonic ECOi and PACi systems to Modbus RTU Interface

Panasonic to Modbus RTU - 1 indoor unit

Panasonic ECOi, PACi, ECOg / PAC, VRF systems to KNX
Panasonic ECOi, PACi, ECOg / PAC, VRF systems to KNX

Replaced by: IN770AIR00MO000

DALI to BACnet IP Server gateway
DALI to BACnet IP Server gateway

Replaced by: IN704DAL1280000

Anybus X-gateway – CC-Link Slave - Modbus RTU Slave
Anybus X-gateway – CC-Link Slave - Modbus RTU Slave

A protocol converter that connects CC-Link and Modbus RTU control systems

INpact PIRFO Slave PCIe
INpact PIRFO Slave PCIe

Anybus X-gateway – PROFINET-IRT FO Device - PROFINET-IRT FO Device
Anybus X-gateway – PROFINET-IRT FO Device - PROFINET-IRT FO Device

A protocol converter that connects PROFINET-IRT FO and PROFINET-IRT FO control systems

Anybus CompactCom 40 Module M12 Without Housing - EtherNet/IP
Anybus CompactCom 40 Module M12 Without Housing - EtherNet/IP

Enable communication between industrial devices and EtherNet/IP networks