Protocol converters for all industrial networks

Network gateways

Gateways (protocol converters) are the fastest way to get devices connected to industrial and building networks. Just connect, configure and you’re done! HMS offers more than 600 unique network connectivity gateways that connect machines, devices, vehicle networks, PLCs and systems from different vendors.


Anybus CompactCom 40 Module M12 Without Housing - EtherNet/IP
Anybus CompactCom 40 Module M12 Without Housing - EtherNet/IP

Enable communication between industrial devices and EtherNet/IP networks

Ixxat CAN Y-cable
Ixxat CAN Y-cable

Connects CAN/CAN FD components (22 cm, D-Sub 9 plug to socket/plug)

Ixxat screwable antenna foot
Ixxat screwable antenna foot

Antenna for Ixxat CANblue II (2.0 m cable)


Ixxat CAN-CR100
Ixxat CAN-CR100

CAN/CAN FD repeater with screw terminals



Ixxat CAN@net NT 420
Ixxat CAN@net NT 420

CAN/CAN FD Ethernet gateway, bridge and PC interface

Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - PROFIBUS Slave
Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - PROFIBUS Slave

A protocol converter that connects Interbus FO and PROFIBUS control systems

Anybus X-gateway – Interbus CU Slave - PROFIBUS Slave
Anybus X-gateway – Interbus CU Slave - PROFIBUS Slave

A protocol converter that connects Interbus CU and PROFIBUS control systems

Anybus X-gateway – PROFIBUS Slave – Modbus RTU Slave
Anybus X-gateway – PROFIBUS Slave – Modbus RTU Slave

A protocol converter that connects PROFIBUS and Modbus RTU control systems

Daikin AC Domestic units to KNX Interface with binary inputs
Daikin AC Domestic units to KNX Interface with binary inputs

Daikin to KNX - 1 indoor unit

ST Cloud Control to BACnet MS/TP or IP or Modbus RTU and TCP Gateway
ST Cloud Control to BACnet MS/TP or IP or Modbus RTU and TCP Gateway

Discontinued with no replacement available


Anybus CompactCom Adapter Board - Module to STM3240G-EVAL
Anybus CompactCom Adapter Board - Module to STM3240G-EVAL

Evaluate the CompactCom Module and its API before starting your integration

Anybus CompactCom Connector Board PROFINET IRT - Fiber Optic
Anybus CompactCom Connector Board PROFINET IRT - Fiber Optic

Network connectors - ready for use together with the CompactCom Brick

PROFIBUS-DPV1 Master Simulator
PROFIBUS-DPV1 Master Simulator

A software based tool for testing PROFIBUS-DPV1 functionality effortlessly