HMS Networks: Interim report January - March 2014

24 Apr 2014 at 07:50
Regulatory press release
Last twelve months

  * Net sales for the last twelve months totaled to SEK 533 m (393),
    corresponding to a 37 % increase in local currencies
  * Operating profit for the last twelve months was SEK 94 m (63), equal to a
    18 % (16) operating margin
  * Order intake for the twelve month period was SEK 564 m (427)
  * Cash flow from operating activities for the twelve month period amounted to
    SEK 83 m (90)
  * Profit after tax for last twelve months amounted to SEK 68 m (51) and
    earnings per share was SEK 5.99 (4.52)
First quarter

  * Net sales for the first quarter totaled to SEK 139 m (107) corresponding to
    a 27 % increase in local currencies
  * Operating profit was SEK 22 m (14)
  * Order intake for the first quarter was SEK 167 m (119)
Comments from the CEO

After  the first quarter of 2014 we can see positive signs in a number of areas:
Stronger  underlying demand on our most important markets, good performance from
the  acquisition  of  the  IXXAT  operations  and increasing volumes from recent
design-wins.  With this we can report an organic growth around our targeted 20%
and an acquired growth, as IXXAT was included in the consolidated accounts as of
February  1st, 2013, all together  this result  in a  30% growth compared to the
same  period the previous  year. Order intake  reached record levels at 167 MSEK
during the first quarter.

We  continue the investment in product development from previous years but since
the core technology development at present are close to completion we change the
direction  to broadening the product offer based on the new technology platforms
now in place.

The  quarter  was  characterized  by  several  major  product  releases. We have
launched  the five  most important  protocols within  the new CBM family (Anybus
Embedded)   and   we   have   already   received   some  important  design-wins.
Our investment  in  Remote  Management  (Netbiter)  continues  and  we  see good
opportunities  for  the  new  technology  platform  and the new functionality to
increase  sales in this product  group. We are also  starting to deliver the new
Remote  Access application  for the  Netbiter products,  something we think will
increase the market potential within the HMS main market - Factory Automation.

In  the short term our  customers are cautiously optimistic  and we consider the
conditions  for a continuing long term growth  as positive. During this year our
goal  is to increase  the effect from  the opportunities we  see in the acquired
operation  as  well  as  from  the  investments in expanded resources during the
recent years.

Our  focus  is  to  drive  growth  within  our three main product brands Anybus,
Netbiter  and IXXAT.  We continue  our effort  to balance  our long  term growth
strategy  with a conscious view on expenses  and new resources. In the long term
we  consider the market for industrial  data communication and remote management
to  be interesting  growth areas  and we  continue to  focus around  our motto -
Connecting Devices.

Halmstad April 24, 2014

Staffan Dahlström
Chief Executive Officer

Further information can be obtained from: CEO Staffan Dahlström, telephone +46
(0) 35-17 29 01 or CFO Gunnar Högberg, telephone +46 (0) 35-17 29 95. See also:

HMS  Industrial Networks  is the  leading independent  supplier of  products for
industrial   communication   including   remote  management.  HMS  develops  and
manufactures   solutions  for  connecting  automation  devices  and  systems  to
industrial networks under the Netbiter, Anybus and IXXAT brands. Development and
manufacturing  take  place  at  the  headquarters  in  Halmstad,  Sweden  and in
Weingarten,  Germany. Local sales  and support are  handled by branch offices in
China,  Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy,  Japan, UK, and USA. HMS employs
over  350 people and reported sales of 58 million  EUR in 2012. HMS is listed on
the NASDAQ OMX in Stockholm.
