Protocol converters for all industrial networks

Network gateways

Gateways (protocol converters) are the fastest way to get devices connected to industrial and building networks. Just connect, configure and you’re done! HMS offers more than 600 unique network connectivity gateways that connect machines, devices, vehicle networks, PLCs and systems from different vendors.

Hitachi Air to Water to KNX Interface
Hitachi Air to Water to KNX Interface

Hitachi to KNX - 1 AW unit

USB-to-CAN compact
USB-to-CAN compact

Ixxat CAN-CR110/FO
Ixxat CAN-CR110/FO

CAN/CAN FD repeater with fiber optics and termination resistor

iPC-I 165/ISA
iPC-I 165/ISA

USB-to-CAN compact RJ45
USB-to-CAN compact RJ45


Ixxat FRC-EP170 CANonly
Ixxat FRC-EP170 CANonly

Configurable automotive platform (4 x CAN)

Ixxat CAN-IB200/PCIe
Ixxat CAN-IB200/PCIe

PC interface card for CAN (2 x CAN), galv. isolated

Ixxat CAN-IB400/PCI
Ixxat CAN-IB400/PCI

PC interface card for CAN (1 x CAN), galv. isolated

iPC-I 320/PCI II
iPC-I 320/PCI II

Ixxat MultiCAN-PB expansion
Ixxat MultiCAN-PB expansion

Piggyback module for CAN interface cards


Anybus X-gateway – Modbus RTU – Modbus RTU Slave
Anybus X-gateway – Modbus RTU – Modbus RTU Slave

A protocol converter that connects Modbus RTU and Modbus RTU control systems

Anybus X-gateway - DeviceNet Slave - POWERLINK Device
Anybus X-gateway - DeviceNet Slave - POWERLINK Device

A protocol converter that connects DeviceNet and POWERLINK control systems

Hitachi VRF systems to BACnet MS/TP interface
Hitachi VRF systems to BACnet MS/TP interface

Hitachi to BACnet MS/TP - 1 indoor unit

Wireless Router 5G
Wireless Router 5G

Enables a robust cellular 5G connection in an industrial production environment

i4scada - Cluster 2.000 Tags
i4scada - Cluster 2.000 Tags

Web-based SCADA & HMI software for process visualization

Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Scanner - ControlNet Adapter
Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Scanner - ControlNet Adapter

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to ControlNet PLCs