Protocol converters for all industrial networks

Network gateways

Gateways (protocol converters) are the fastest way to get devices connected to industrial and building networks. Just connect, configure and you’re done! HMS offers more than 600 unique network connectivity gateways that connect machines, devices, vehicle networks, PLCs and systems from different vendors.

Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application
Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application

Midea to BACnet/IP & MS/TP - Up to 16 Indoor Units

i4scada - Server SDK 100 Tags
i4scada - Server SDK 100 Tags

Web-based SCADA & HMI software for process visualization

Samsung NASA VRF systems to KNX
Samsung NASA VRF systems to KNX

Replaced by: IN770AIR00SO000

Anybus X-gateway - Modbus TCP Client - Modbus TCP Server
Anybus X-gateway - Modbus TCP Client - Modbus TCP Server

A protocol converter that connects Modbus TCP devices to Modbus TCP PLCs

Anybus X-gateway IIoT – EtherNet/IP Adapter - OPC UA-MQTT
Anybus X-gateway IIoT – EtherNet/IP Adapter - OPC UA-MQTT

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP and OPC UA-MQTT control systems


Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Scanner - Modbus Plus Slave
Anybus X-gateway – EtherNet/IP Scanner - Modbus Plus Slave

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to Modbus Plus PLCs

Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - Modbus TCP Server
Anybus X-gateway – Interbus FO Slave - Modbus TCP Server

A protocol converter that connects Interbus FO and Modbus TCP control systems

Anybus EtherTAP2: EtherNet/IP Kit 100
Anybus EtherTAP2: EtherNet/IP Kit 100

i4scada - Cluster 500 Tags
i4scada - Cluster 500 Tags

Web-based SCADA & HMI software for process visualization

PROFINET - BACnet/IP & MS/TP Server Gateway
PROFINET - BACnet/IP & MS/TP Server Gateway

PROFINET to BACnet/IP & MS/TP - 1200 points

i4scada - OPC Server 100 Tags
i4scada - OPC Server 100 Tags

Web-based SCADA & HMI software for process visualization

Anybus CompactCom 40 Module M12 DeviceNet
Anybus CompactCom 40 Module M12 DeviceNet

Enable communication between industrial devices and DeviceNet networks

DALI-2 to Modbus TCP & RTU Server Application with 1 DALI channel
DALI-2 to Modbus TCP & RTU Server Application with 1 DALI channel

DALI to Modbus TCP & RTU - 1 DALI channel

Anybus X-gateway - EtherCAT Slave - POWERLINK Device
Anybus X-gateway - EtherCAT Slave - POWERLINK Device

A protocol converter that connects EtherCAT and POWERLINK control systems

Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application
Midea Commercial & VRF systems to BACnet /IP & MS/TP Application

Midea to BACnet/IP & MS/TP - Up to 64 Indoor Units

DALI-2 to KNX TP PRO Gateway
DALI-2 to KNX TP PRO Gateway

DALI-2 to KNX - 1 DALI channel

Anybus CompactCom Connector Board CAN for EtherNet
Anybus CompactCom Connector Board CAN for EtherNet